Thursday, January 12, 2012

Douglas High School Students Receive Holiday Suprise!

Douglas High teacher Keith Cole, Lauren Spires, Leslie Batistich, Rita Roberts, Lisa Taylor, Nicole Riley and Mike Rechs at Douglas High School.Special to The R-C

Sierra Nevada Active 20-30 No. 730 recently assisted the Students in Transition program at Douglas High School.

Gift cards for Target were purchased and donated to the students for the purchase of personal products, clothing, etc. Target was chosen because of the fact that their store does not sell any tobacco or alcohol products.

Students in Transition is a group of students who lack a, “fixed, regular and adequate” residence. Essentially, they are homeless students. Some are “doubled up,” living with relatives for the time being. Douglas High School has 21 students who participate in this program.

“I can tell you that as I distributed your gift, students' eyes lit up and they were very thankful. I heard comments like, ‘this is cool' and ‘wow, this is awesome,'” Assistant Principal Michael Rech said in a letter. “They expressed thanks, but I was sure to tell them that the gift was not from me but from your caring organization. Your gift is especially meaningful this time of year.”

The Sierra Nevada No. 730 and Carson Valley No. 85 Active 20-30 clubs annually donate thousands of dollars in support of local charities and children's groups, including Kids and Horses, Tahoe Youth and Family Services, Boys & Girls Club and Austin's House.

For more information or to find out how to join, visit

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